Led by families. Trusted by leaders.

Who We Are

2m stands for “Two Mothers” Foundation: named for the supportive mothers of the founding team, but honoring the commitment of every family to find the answers for their own children. We are a Silicon Valley organization that embraces the iconoclastic, agile, leaps not steps philosophy that characterizes this unique geography. We are founded by a mother who relentlessly searches for better health for her child, and every child with seemingly unsolvable challenges related to ASD.

Sometimes the only way forward is to create something new.

We lead with bold ideas: Autism+.
Family-Led. Open Source. Technology gives us a new window into autism. We need to look through it differently. And let our children’s data give us our answers.



Elizabeth Horn
Executive Director 2m

Health journey expert. Big thinker. Relentless. Embraces grand challenges. Entrepreneur. Innovator. Silicon Valley marketer. Disruptor. Co-Founder/LP of Autism Impact Fund. Co-Founder ChARM Health. Co-Founder Brain Foundation. Producer/Director IN OUR OWN HANDS: How Patients Are Reinventing Medicine.

Change the narrative.
Change their future.
You can help.

Our strength is in our solid commitment to finding solutions for families by creating products, actions and inspiration for people affected by Autism.

We’ve helped leaders go from VISION to DIRECTION to ACTION in scientific research, venture capital, product development, and media.

Have a great idea? Want to support a project?


We’re Hiring

For an updated list of open positions, please email contact@2mfoundation.org and include your resume.