Defining the
big vision.
new models.
2m led the creation of Autism Impact Fund and COUNT Precision Autism Pilot with Stanford and Simons Foundation, along with architecting the DECODING AUTISM, MOVE, WAVE and DWELL Initiatives. All figure prominently in 2m’s DECODING AUTISM Ecosystem.

The Precision Autism Ecosystem with its innovative platform-based infrastructure, driven by multi-omic, longitudinal data streams.
2m’s bold efforts apply precision technology to all aspects of Autism Health, connecting behavior to biology and environment.

COUNT | The Precision Autism Project
COUNT represents academic validation for 2m’s precision approach to Autism. Our partnership with Stanford’s Snyder Lab and Simons Foundation launched the first-ever multi-omic, longitudinal look at Autism Health. The Project is in Phase One, looking for additional partners to move forward in 2024.
Partners: Stanford Health Innovation Lab, Simons Foundation

Autism Impact Fund
Autism Impact Fund announced the final close of Fund I at $50M on March 15, 2024, underscoring the confidence in the firm’s strategy and the potential of its portfolio. AIF’s investments are all part of an ecosystem approach that ties together the behavioral, biological, and environmental aspects of autism.

The DECODING AUTISM Group is developing an extensible data platform capable of integrating heterogeneous data streams from direct-to-consumer labs, wearables, sensors and actively collected, user-generated data to create a personalized “Autism Quotient” — a trackable score that provides a lifespan view of each person with ASD.
Partners: Arome, Gutzi.AI, Bullfrog AI, LinusBio, RuneLabs, Snyder Lab/Stanford, MOVE Group, Lurie Autism Center, Cortica, Piton

DWELL‘s mission is to help develop smart communities and residences with a platform-based stack of tools that put control of health tracking; education; communication support; and employment placement into the hands of individuals with conditions like ASD and their care teams.
Partners: FirstPlace Global, Pacific Autism Family Center, Amazon Web Services

WAVE’s mission is to find an “electrographic signature” for Autism. With the addition of this data stream to the multi-omic lake we are building for ASD, the WAVE Coalition aims to develop the first shared research framework for this new kind of bioelectrome evaluation.
Partners: Dr. Richard Frye, Dr. John Gaitanis, Dr. John Hixon, Kernel, Elemind, Neurable

MOVE aims to capture motor data in people with Autism to generate a standardized “autism motor signature”. The MOVE Group is developing the first shared, tech-driven research framework for this new kind of movement evaluation.
Partners: Dr. Elizabeth Torres/Rutgers, Dr. Jonathan Delafield-Butt/University of Strathclyde, Vikram Jaswal/ University of Virginia, Brittany Travers/University of Wisconsin, Dr. Svetlana Masgutova/MNRI, Anat Baniel/ABM, Dr. Susan Crawford/Get Autism Active, I-ASC, Communication 4 ALL

This feature documentary is our cinematic roadmap. IN OUR OWN HANDS tells the stories of remarkable individuals who are using new technologies to reimagine health care.
Partners: Funds for Sustainable Tomorrows, Bullfrog Films